BINUS SCHOOL Simprug’s First-Ever Rubik’s Cube Competition

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“Rubik’s cube is more than just a colourful puzzle. It is also a symbol of curiosity, creativity, and overcoming challenges,” Ms. Richel Langit-Dursin, BINUS SCHOOL Simprug’s Early Years and Elementary vice principal and Primary Years Programme coordinator stated in her inspirational message to students and teachers during the first-ever Rubik’s Cube Challenge last March 15.

The Rubik’s Cube Competition at BINUS School Simprug was launched to enhance student’s talents and abilities, showcase problem-solving skills, and improve critical thinking as well as creative thinking. Students from grades 1 to 5 participated in the competition.  Each grade level had six participants competing against each other.

During the competition, students were tasked with solving one or two sides of the cube within five minutes. They tapped the bell upon completing one side and continued solving the whole puzzle until finished. The winner was determined by the participant who finished the cube the quickest or solved the most cubes in five minutes.

Grades 1, 2 and 3 used 2×2 cubes, while grades 4 and 5 used 3×3 cubes. Winners from each level then competed for another challenge.

Solving a Rubik’s cube can be fun and challenging, requiring creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Students who joined the Rubik’s Cube Competition were praised for their achievements, as they encouraged bravery, confidence, and a growth mindset.

Most students expressed their excitement for the challenge and looked forward to participating in another thrilling Rubik’s Cube Competition next year. The event, organized by the grade 3 team, provided students with an opportunity to demonstrate perseverance, one of the BINUS values, and the IB learner profile attributes, “thinker”, “risk-taker” and “knowledgeable”.

By: Zaida Puyo

Elementary Level Head


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