Empowering Young Entrepreneurs: Nurturing Creativity, Collaboration, and Global Citizenship

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This unit is probably one of the most exciting and challenging units that the Grade 4 students of Sekolah Monte Sienna have experienced. We were inquiring into how the “development of trade contributes to  the world in many ways” with the lines of inquiry (1) different trade systems, (2) trade relationship between empires and (3) the impacts of trade on human progress and the world. Somehow, our class managed to spearhead the inaugural PYP KIDPRENEUR in our school with the theme “Nurturing Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Teamwork for a Connected World.”

A trading game was used to introduce the unit. Through this “win win game”, they were able to learn about the benefits of free trade. The purpose of this game is for the students to show their prior knowledge of what trading is as a whole and why we need to trade. 

With the use of a circle of viewpoints, students were able to identify the global supply chain in the trading system and the relationship between empires. They also used the “My Plate” graphic organizer to get started with their findings on where food comes from, which is part of our English integration.

Organizing the mini-market necessitates collaboration and teamwork. The students didn’t just contemplate the goods and services to showcase on the event day; they also factored in proper disposal, aligning with their advocacy against rampant waste pollution.

As internationally-minded learners with compassionate hearts, they collected second-hand toys from each other, which constitute a portion of the items they will sell. Additionally, they fashioned a trash can adorned with a cartoon poster to underscore their environmental concern, aligning with one of the sustainable development goals.

Their planning of the mini-market extends beyond mere trade; it’s also a means of aiding children in need, a cause they became aware of while exploring the rights and responsibilities of children in our previous unit. With this in mind, they conceived the idea of hosting the mini-market as part of their fundraising endeavors to support the less fortunate children. This initiative reflects their involvement in the government’s poverty alleviation program and their advocacy to amplify the voices of these children, who hunger not just for food but also for education and care.

Finally, the most-awaited event came. The PYP KIDPRENEUR served as a platform for the students to demonstrate their entrepreneurial spirit by eagerly taking on the challenges of turning their ideas into reality. They assumed the roles of up-and-coming entrepreneurs and learned valuable skills like product development, marketing, and financial management. This event provided them with a platform to gain practical experience in entrepreneurship, which will serve as a solid foundation for future opportunities. It was truly inspiring to witness our students confidently applying their communication, social, and self-management skills throughout the event.

In addition, the involvement of parents played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world. By actively participating in their children’s entrepreneurial ventures, parents helped reinforce the practical applications of academic concepts. They effectively demonstrated the relevance of skills such as creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving in a real-world context.

Indeed, they stand as our budding entrepreneurs, brimming with dreams and aspirations not only for themselves but also for those within their community. Let us help them to fulfill their dreams and turn these dreams into reality.

Ms. Evelyn Historillo

Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher


Sekolah Monte Sienna

Batam City, Indonesia

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