
Write up for SEL in MISJ

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At MISJ, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is ingrained in our daily routine, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment. Our commitment to student well-being is evident through the daily Heartfulness relaxation sessions, setting the tone for a centered start to the day. The curriculum seamlessly integrates various SEL activities, such as emotion checks, mindfulness practices, and initiatives like “I wish my teachers knew” and “Who filled Your Bucket Today?”

Diverse grade levels benefit from personalized approaches, with some classrooms featuring Zen corners for reflection, while others embrace affirmation centers to promote positive self-talk. Our guidance and counseling services are highly responsive, ensuring each class receives dedicated sessions every month, emphasizing the importance of emotional well-being. At MISJ, SEL isn’t just a program; it’s a fundamental aspect of our educational ethos, nurturing students holistically for success in both academic and life pursuits.

Our commitment to Social Emotional Learning extends beyond students to our valued faculty. Through initiatives like “TGIT – Thank God It’s Thursday,” we foster a sense of community and relaxation with celebrations featuring various soothing games. World Mental Health Day is a special occasion where our multi-purpose hall transforms into a cozy haven for teachers, complete with mind-relaxing activities, a book corner, and spaces for meditation.

Recognizing the importance of self-care, we go the extra mile by inviting therapists for foot massages and coffee trucks for delightful meet-and-greet sessions and pottery sessions. These events provide our dedicated teachers with opportunities to unwind, connect, and have fun, free from work-related discussions. At MISJ, prioritizing the well-being of both students and faculty is at the heart of our educational culture.

Completing the circle of holistic growth, MISJ organizes workshops for parents and teachers, ensuring a collaborative approach to Social Emotional Learning. These sessions extend beyond the classroom, involving our cleaning service department and security personnel. 

Through these inclusive discussions, we emphasize our school’s mission and vision, portraying it as a home where learning is perpetual, fostering the holistic growth of all stakeholders. At MISJ, everyone plays a vital role in creating an environment that goes beyond education, embodying a shared commitment to continuous learning and well-being.

Growing Minds, Glowing Hearts: Pre-K’s Journey of Discovery

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By Christania Anthonny

B.B. King, the renowned American guitarist and singer-songwriter, once shared a profound insight: “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” This impactful sentiment resonates deeply, particularly within education, prompting thoughtful reflection.

Such contemplation became evident as the Pre-K students of North Jakarta Intercultural School (NJIS) joyously celebrated the culmination of their “How the World Works” unit. The unit’s central idea emphasized the significance of animals to our lives and highlighted how our actions influence their existence in the natural world. These young and vibrant minds embarked on a transformative journey that began with tuning into the topic, followed by thorough investigation, creative exploration, and application, culminating in meaningful actions and reflective practices.

Let’s delve into the fascinating chapters of their learning expedition…

Tuning In

In the initial phase, students were encouraged to actively share their knowledge about animals and their habitats. Paired with their buddies, they engaged in collaborative discussions, translated their thoughts into imaginative drawings, and presented their collective findings. This marked an opportune moment to gauge the extent of the student’s pre-existing understanding of the subject matter.


The investigative phase looked deeper into the intricacies of animals and their habitats. The wealth of new knowledge that unfolded during this exploration captivated the children.

Beyond this, we seamlessly integrated mathematical concepts into the learning experience. Students not only delved into the specifics of animal habitats but also applied mathematical principles to categorize animals according to their environments. They also crafted simple graphs to represent their preferences and interests in various animals visually. This interdisciplinary approach added depth and richness to their learning journey.

Creating and Applying

Now, let’s dive into the exciting segment: the individual project! For their project, the students eagerly embraced the opportunity to exercise agency by selecting their preferred animal and conducting in-depth research on their chosen species. Despite the extended time required for this stage, it flew by for them as they reveled in completing projects that would ultimately be showcased to their parents.

Throughout this creative process, they journeyed to find images of their selected animals, brainstormed about the creatures’ needs and distinctive characteristics, and delved into research to substantiate their findings. Guided by the teacher, they were provided visuals encapsulating their research, which they artfully incorporated into their projects. Upon completing their vibrant posters, the students engaged in practice sessions, presenting their projects to the class before confidently sharing them with their parents.

Witnessing these 4 to 5-year-olds navigate this intricate learning process, enhancing their critical thinking and research skills, and culminating in improved communication abilities by the project’s end was truly heartwarming.

Taking Action

In this phase, we fostered collaboration with the music and Mandarin teachers to inaugurate the Celebration of Learning. The students enthusiastically participated in singing the classic “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” song in both English and Mandarin. Additionally, they expanded their musical horizons by learning to play the tune using various musical instruments.

And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the grand finale, the Celebration of Learning! This marked a pivotal juncture for the students to showcase their transformative learning journey and present their meticulously crafted projects to their parents. Not only did they get to work on their ATL skills, like being effective communicators and enhancing their research and thinking skills, but this experience also played a significant role in nurturing their confidence as individuals, as they adeptly addressed and engaged with large audiences during the event.

While it may not have been a flawless showcase, the experience was undeniably meaningful. Acknowledging the challenges encountered throughout the process, we embrace the opportunity for reflection and continuous improvement. The Celebration of Learning transcended being merely an “event”; it encapsulated a profound facet of purposeful learning. For our young learners, it wasn’t just a presentation—it was their world of adventure, a canvas on which they painted the colors of exploration, growth, and discovery.